Youth Alpha...
Alpha at NPBC is run by Steve, Vanessa and Debs with
young people in mind. It gives teenagers the opportunity
to find out about the basics
Christianity, as well as exploring their own ideas and beliefs
about God, Jesus and being a Christian. Youth Alpha will
usually run from 5pm-7pm on Sundays and a course last for
around 10
A typical
evening starts with a catch up over food, with every delight
from toasties and doughnuts to
pizza and chips. This is followed by an activity
or game which usually has some relevance to the topic of
the evening and a discussion about
a part of Christianity and how it affects us in everyday life.
is usually a DVD clip or two, which helps to put the topic
into perspective. Occasionally, there is a visual representation
of the subject by Steve like his legendary marmite / ketchup
t-shirts to show how Jesus died to take away
our sins and make us clean.
Above all
NPBC Youth Alpha is a really good opportunity to learn more
about Christianity and meet some
very sound people
along the way.
If you would
like to find out more or register your interest for the next
course, please get
in touch and we will answer any questions you have.